Cloud IX Security Company ‘Pro-Tect’ is Operated out of Mom’s House in East Nashville | Demetrius Tucker

Over the weekend, Erica Fenton stated that some time ago she hired ‘Pro-Tect’, a security company owned by Demetrius Tucker, to manage both her personal and the company’s (Cloud IX) security. This is the company that had employees...

Cloud IX Security Company ‘Pro-Tect’ is Operated out of Mom’s House in East Nashville | Demetrius Tucker
Over the weekend, Erica Fenton stated that some time ago she hired ‘Pro-Tect’, a security company owned by Demetrius Tucker, to manage both her personal and the company’s (Cloud IX) security. This is the company that had employees on duty that were involved in the deadly shooting earlier in the month. After we revealed that two of Pro-Tect’s security officers involved in the shooting were not licensed as armed guards in Tennessee, Fenton announced she has fired Pro-Tect Security, and has hired a new security company, though she did not…