DUI: Jalen Mitchell speeds down I-40 East at 100mph in Honda Civic after having two margaritas

23-year-old Jalen Lovetta Mitchell sped past officers in her white Honda Civic on I-40 East in the early hours of April 17th. Officers observed her going approximately 100 mph in a 60 to 70 mph zone and then conducted a traffic stop. Officers...

DUI: Jalen Mitchell speeds down I-40 East at 100mph in Honda Civic after having two margaritas
23-year-old Jalen Lovetta Mitchell sped past officers in her white Honda Civic on I-40 East in the early hours of April 17th. Officers observed her going approximately 100 mph in a 60 to 70 mph zone and then conducted a traffic stop. Officers noticed Mitchell reeked of alcohol as they approached. She admitted to consuming two margaritas and smoking a blunt earlier in the afternoon. Then, Mitchell took sobriety tests, performed poorly, and after being informed of implied consent, agreed to provide a breath sample. Her breath sample resulted in 0.138 BAC% after blowing three straight insufficient samples. Mitchell was taken into custody for driving under the influence.