Hit-and-Run: Isabella Cook flees, says she “didn’t know what to do,” so she did nothing

21-year-old Isabella Cook told police she "didn't know what to do" after she crashed into another vehicle and fled the scene on April 26. The person she hit was able to capture her plate number, and the responding officer was able to contact...

Hit-and-Run: Isabella Cook flees, says she “didn’t know what to do,” so she did nothing
21-year-old Isabella Cook told police she "didn't know what to do" after she crashed into another vehicle and fled the scene on April 26. The person she hit was able to capture her plate number, and the responding officer was able to contact Cook. Upon speaking to Cook, who had her grandmother on the phone call, she claimed she didn't stop as she wasn't sure of how it worked and what she should do. She left the other vehicle with significant damage and agreed to meet officers to receive a citation.