Lee Beaman is wearing a bodycam 24/7 during his multi-million dollar divorce, while paying his wife 12K/month

If you’ve been in the Nashville area for any length of time, you’ve heard of Beaman Automotive, and it’s owner, Lee Beaman, who also recently was involved with the no-tax-for-trax transit debate. What you may not know is that...

Lee Beaman is wearing a bodycam 24/7 during his multi-million dollar divorce, while paying his wife 12K/month
If you’ve been in the Nashville area for any length of time, you’ve heard of Beaman Automotive, and it’s owner, Lee Beaman, who also recently was involved with the no-tax-for-trax transit debate. What you may not know is that he’s in the middle of a nasty multi-million dollar divorce, and he’s been wearing a body-mounted camera 24/7 when in his own home for the past few months, as we found in some recent court filings. The multi-million dollar prenup is also posted below, with it’s conditions – which his wife…